Tech Reviews Daily

Tech Reviews Daily is a hub of latest news and updates on Technology, Business, Gadgets, Marketing, Digital Marketing, App Development and other technologies. we also write about reviews on latest released gadgets (Mobiles & Laptops).

DDoS Attacks

When Hackers Bring Websites To Their Knees: Best Practices Against DDoS Attacks

Cyber ​​criminals use Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks to target companies and institutions by bringing down servers or web services. For example, attackers bombard a website’s IP address with so much traffic that the website and any web server connected to it are unable to respond to the requests. This makes the website inaccessible…

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Traditional Marketing

Choosing Between Traditional Marketing And Digital Marketing, Which Is The Most Effective?

Between traditional marketing and digital marketing, it all depends on the corporate marketing strategy to be adopted by each leader. If for some, traditional marketing still works to find potential customers and make them permanent customers, for others, digital marketing is inevitable. In any case, both techniques consist in transmitting messages concerning a product or…

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